Last week I visited Cambridge Botanic Gardens, where I tred warily, for the large number of delicate snowdrops (or should I say snowflakes? Gwa-ha-ha).
Now once arrived I bumped into some signs near a place where they take the temperature every day.
On the signs it said Cambridge is the driest region of Britain and has a more continental climate than most of the country.
Cambridge? Dry?
Recently, its been pissing it down in Cambridge every day. It couldn’t be any wetter if you sat in a swimming pool. In 2020 it seemed to rain every day from October through to March.
This ‘Cambridge has a continental climate’ nonsense doesn’t wash with me.
It sounds like the type of wishful thinking you’d expect from the Guardian reading Remoaners of Cambridge.
Get with the project man! We’ve left Europe and we’ve got our weather back!
British weather for British people.
Continental climate, boo! phhh! Brexit, yeh!

On Cambridge
- Along the River Cam
- Beechwoods Nature Reserve
- Lamma’s Land
- Hodson’s Folly
- Wandlebury Country Park
- Magog Down
- Byron’s Pool
- The Busway
- The DNA Path
- Trumpington
- Hobson’s Brook
- Grantchester Meadows
- Cambridge American Cemetery
- Wimpole Hall
- In the time of COVID
- Cool Bikes and Other Bikes
- Suburban Architecture
- Street Art and Graffiti
- Cambridge is a city, in which there are outwards manifestations of support for the European Union
Commentary on Cambridge
- Kingfisher Way
- Suburban Architecture
- The Museum of Shit
- Cambridge Botanical Garden’s two claims to fame
- 100% iphone snow didn’t fall in Cambridge
Attempt at satire
- Brexit denial in Cambridge Botanic Gardens
- One of the best experiences of my life was when I found out I was in a shop 100% committed to fresh British meat