July 27, 2024

Cambridge in the time of Covid

Waitrose, Cambridge, March 18th 2020
Waitrose Cambridge, out of toilet roll, March 20th 2020
All Mums are Winners, Cambridge Town Centre, May 2020
Mother’s Day was 20th March, this poster was still up in the shop window two months later.
Socially distanced queueing at Waitrose Car Park, Cambridge, May 2020
Waitrose Car Park, Cambridge, May 2020
Cambridge Market Square, February 2021
The first signs of spring and continuing signs of Covid, DNA path from Cambridge to Shelford, February 2021
Request for social distancing, on Cambridge train station platform, April 2021
People enjoying the sun, a chat and a bite to eat, on the Saturday, a week or so after the shops opened for the first time in 2021, April 2021

On Cambridge




Commentary on Cambridge

Attempt at satire

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