Having played at Secret Garden Party over the weekend, and having already announced their spot on DIY Magazine’s October tour, as well as playing a seemingly constant stream of shows around the country, it seems VANT are slowly and surely making a name for themselves, and building up quite a name for themselves in the process. And their most recent release is sure to whet their fans’ appetites even further, as their new track ‘The Answer’ proves to be more of the same raucous stuff that many are already beginning to know and love.
In similar fashion to their previously released tunes ‘Do You Know Me’ and ‘Parasite’, their latest offering is a short, onslaught of a song, at just under three minutes long, and this is exactly what we’ve come to expect from VANT in recent months. The whole track is cloaked in a sense of rebellion, with wailing guitar, deep, heavy bass, and some lyrics that probably shouldn’t be listened to in the presence of young children, the whole thing is a riot from start to finish.
As the final, pounding notes of the chorus ring out, as well as Mattie’s charming request to “Keep sucking my dick while my friend fucks your mamma” it’s possible to imagine that some may find the lyrics crude and immature, and the music too simplistic. But, we get the feeling VANT don’t care one little bit, and as long as the music coming from the Northern quartet continues to be this much fun, neither do we.