The bond between the child and the daemon…
- Mother-child, father-child bond.
- The nuclear family.
The kidnapping of children, and the splitting of the child from the daemon:
- State led child trafficking of working class children, from UK children’s homes to Church child slave camps, across Australia, Canada and Zimbabwe.
- Forced removal of children, without permission of parents.
- Lying to the mothers about the motivations and whereabouts of the children.
- Lying to the children about the motivations and whereabouts of the children.
Tony Makarios, with the dried fish, in the shed, in a small Svalbard village, where no-one wanted to talk to him
- The devastated – paralysed – destroyed – children, in the Church and Children Charity slave labour camps in Australia, being beaten, terrorised and made to endure real hardships.
- Those same children as adults – trying to fit in – to everyday normal family life – and finding it impossible – feeling and finding a vast ocean of emptiness – experiencing great frustrations and anger with the requirements placed upon them by day to day civilised domestic life – blurring it out – with alochol – feeling numb.