January 24, 2025

New Single “How Much Longer” by Brian Grogan

A review of Brian Grogans latest release "How Much Longer".

Brian Grogan returns with second single of the year which is his follow up to “Reach” which you can check out the review of here.

Grogan is a fine wordsmith and exquisite musician, with joyful melodies and fantastic musicianship abundant in his songs. He sights Paul Simon and Bo Burnham as musical influences which definitely comes across in his witty lyrics and storytelling. His previous single “Reach” can now be seen as the foreplay to this more climatic tale. There is certainly a common theme developing with these releases from Brian.

“How Much Longer” looks at the theme of stamina within the bedroom and the capabilities of satisfying your partner. Although these themes are mature, Grogan has a way to deliver them in a sugarcoated, sweet maner. The song is constructed so well around the lyrics and builds seamlessly into a glorious…well climax.

Brian Grogan / Southbank / Shot by Rob Blackham / www.blackhamimages.com

You can have a listen to the track over on Spotify or Soundcloud

Also check out the live performance of the song on Youtube here.

Follow Brian on his socials to keep up to date with further releases and shows: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

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