February 17, 2025


Question: What happens when wonderful people come together?    Dragon Con2018 the greatest Labor Day weekend ever!

Does anyone ever see a spider with Grace?

Question: What makes Dragon Con the best con to attend?  Obviously, all the cons are fun. The vibe at Dragon Con is like being in a time warp of all sorts- therefore, it is great. To appreciate all universe of geekdom one needs to be at Dragon Con.

Captain America!!

Labor Day weekend will not ever be the same after a D-Con. All are welcome with love an acceptance. This is a universe with a major heart, many new friends are always made no matter how awkward you think you are, by the way, no one is awkward! Anything you like anyone will find here, for example, I had no idea there was such a large following for Supernatural, the anime One Piece, it is awesome!

One can check out all the parties, the bunny party, the mermaid party, the Harry Potter Ball, and World of Warcraft. There are many others to attend as well while attending check out the hallway cosplay contest and the cosplay contest too. I love books as I do, the authors are the kindest, a fan of art, there is the artist’s area, Dragon Con has something for everyone.

Dragon Con 2018, love Deadpool

Question:   Is it family-friendly?   Well, since most cosplayers have children, the answer is yes. Although, as a parent use good judgment, while all children are welcomed, they love the Dragon Con Parade on Saturday morning, there is a sense of adulting going on as the night goes late. A safe time to be out with children is during the day mainly, then around 9:30 pm to 10:00 pm is more adult—it gets more and more adult as the night lingers on.

https://www.dragoncon.org/things-to-do/parade/ h

Dr. Strange– Loved the lighting effect!

There are times to take a break, for example, I saw Lullwater, a great band from Athens, GA- haven’t heard of them then google. Another example being in Atlanta, you should be aware there is an extra-large community which loves, or maybe obsessed, with the great MLS team Atlanta United. What does this have to do with Dragon Con you ask? The team has an away game over Labor Day weekend, this means the Dragon Con fans find places to watch the game. Resurgence Club is a little rowdy and proud so be prepared. I never thought I would be watching MLS game on tv dressed as Uhura from Star Trek– dreams do come true at Dragon Con! Thank you to Meehan’s and all others in Atlanta, GA.

Star Trek and Atlanta United, anyone?

If you love Doctor Who, you will enjoy the panels greatly. Steampunk your thing? There is plenty. Be sure to see the Burlesque!

DR. WHO- panel with Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie

All that is going on in Atlanta, GA over Labor Day weekend is a great city to be in then. All is fun and then there is Deadpool! This is what is fun- check out the Dragon Con Deadpool group on Facebook. Deadpool is special, not only is it fun there is also a Deadpool parade! How many Deadpool are there? Too many to count, lol.

Hello Kitty, Pink Panda, and Deadpool -all is good!

Overall it is a great vibe in a great city, which has many cultures and good food. Dragon Con is special to all in its universe. Instead of trying to go to every single con in the world, if you only get to attend two or three cons a year Dragon Con needs to be on the list to attend. I say this due to its variety of fandoms and things to do. There is literally something to do 24 hours a day.  Come one, come all an enjoy going down the rabbit hole on Labor Day attending Dragon Con!

Dragon Con 2018, David Bowie/Spock mash-up

Thank you to all who makes Labor Day weekend so wonderful to so many. By the way, if attending the parade on Saturday morning, come get your spot to watch early!

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