RUBY WORKS 15th October 2021 Mmmmm…… The ‘difficult’ second album. You have your whole life...
Singer Songwriter
If you have time for Leonard Cohen, you’d probably spare a dime for Novak....
This single is stunning. Its different too, never heard anything quite like it. Have...
SADDLE CREEK 24th September, 2021 Alexandra Levy is a French-Canadian from Montreal and this...
KSCOPE 24th September, 2021 Jon Gomm is a Leeds legend and, despite the excellence...
ASSAI RECORDINGS 17th September 2021 Literate, wise, gentle and funny; this is a mature...
James’ 16th studio album ‘All The Colours of You’ is like a piece of...
TOT OU TARD RECORDS 26th Feb 2021 Very quiet, very considered, halting and charming....
In a world that seems to have stopped turning for almost a year now,...