You have to understand, music is like a worm.
It can sometimes take a while for an album to wriggle its way into your life.
When I first listened to Yorkston, Thorne and Khan’s blend of country and Indian influences, I couldn’t get into it.
I’m talking about their album: Navarasa : Nine Emotions.
I think its because I was trying to listen to it.
But there’s nothing to listen to. By trying to listen to it, I found the album more than just empty, I found it to be annoying.
Its just now, some one year later, that I realise, its for doing things to. Its a relaxant, that makes doing life more enjoyable.
All praise Itunes shuffle mode.
Its as if, in a moment of stress, the band approached me softly from behind and started massaging my neck, just when I needed to unwind.
The music, the sounds, are very chilling. Very calming. If you’re thinking about something, it puts your mind on a warm track, a warm channel.
It allows you to do things from a good place.
Before covid, we used to have these things called ‘gigs’. I was very tempted to go and review Yorskton et al at a gig they had planned nearby.
They were playing Stapleford Granary, a cute little countryside venue just outside Cambridge.
Still it was the venue, which I’ve never been to, more than the band, that I was interested in. I still don’t think I would want to go and see the band – I’m not sure what you’d be there for?
I imagine they’d be in such a trance, you’d feel like you were intruding on a private moment of theirs.
I imagine they’d out shoegaze the shoegazers.
But who knows – I’ve not been have I?
I’d only attend one of their gigs if their music was an accompaniment to an activity.
An arts and craft workshop, or a bit of yoga.
We could all be whirling dervishes.